Acorn Energy Education Programs
Most of our programs held at the Ilsley Public Library in Middlebury have been recorded, and many of the more recent ones are available to view at Middlebury Community TV. MCTV's website works best with the latest version of your browser.
April 18, 2017 - Three High Performance Homes, Three Approaches
This presentation will compare the design, construction, and performance of three new Addison County high-performance homes completed in 2015 and 2016. All two-story buildings on small lots, these homes used a variety of construction systems to accommodate aesthetic, site, and builder considerations. Find out how overall home designs met the interests and goals of the homeowners; the cost, performance and ease of construction of the different envelope systems; and reasons to choose one system over the others. Presentation will include cost and payback information as well. Presenters: Jean Terwilliger of Vermont Integrated Architecture, P.C., Alex Carver of Northern Timbers Construction, and Tom LeBoeuf of Northeast Craftsmen Group. Recorded at the Ilsley Library 4/18/17 Producer: Dick Thodal
March 16, 2016 - What Makes Good Solar in Vermont?
Join us for a conversation to explore these issues, discuss what makes an acceptable solar project, and how we can make progress towards our 90% target by 2050. Our expert panelists include Gabrielle Stebbins, former Executive Director, Renewable Energy Vermont; Kevin Jones, Professor, Vermont Law School; Dorothy Schnure, Green Mountain Power; and Ben Marks, Regulatory Attorney and Acorn Energy Co-op Board Director.
April 30, 2015 - Energy Efficiency-How Low Can You Go?
A panel discussion on residential design and construction
Acorn Renewable Energy Co-op program, Ilsley, Producer: MCTV Energy Educational
June 30, 2014 - Cold Climate Heat Pumps
Gary Barnett, AEC board member, and Rick Shappy, Structural Energy Corporation, explain the new air-source heat pump technology and answer numerous questions
Acorn Renewable Energy Co-op program, Ilsley, Producer: Jonathan Corcoran
April 16, 2014 - Investing for the Greater Good
Acorn Renewable Energy Co-op program, Ilsley, Producer: Dick Thodal
June 19, 2013 - Solar Decathlon Team
Middlebury College 2013 team members discuss this year's design
Acorn Renewable Energy Co-op program, Ilsley, Producer: Dick Thodal
January 14, 2013 - Smart Meter Panel
Jeff Monder, GMP; Martine Victor,; George Twigg, Efficiency VT; and Jim Porter, Public Service Dept field questions at the Ilsley Public Library
Acorn Renewable Energy Co-op program, Ilsley, Producer: Dick Thodal
June 27, 2012 - Designing and Building for Solar
Presentation by Steven Spatz, CGP, owner of Redbarn Design Build, LLC. of Shrewsbury –a prizewinner in the field of energy efficient construction and design.
Acorn Renewable Energy Co-op program, Ilsley, Producer: Kathy Wheatley
April 3, 2012 - Community and Micro-Hydro Power
Acorn Renewable Energy Co-op program, Ilsley, Producer: Kathy Wheatley